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Mental Health Awareness Week: What to do in a crisis

15 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week: What to do in a crisis

On 29 April 2020, the Rural Youth Project in collaboration with RSABI and Support in Mind Scotland hosted a mental health webinar to equip young people with the tools to support their friends, families and themselves during this time.

What to do in a crisis

Anyone can suffer from poor mental health. If you find yourself in a crisis situation below is some information which may assist.

DO bring the person to a calm environment

DON’T give complex instructions

DO explain what you are doing and why

DO speak calmly to avoid excitement

DON’T make sudden moves

DO remember that people may recall what has happened when they are well, even though they appear to be out of touch with reality at the time of the incident

DON’T try and talk a person out of their feelings – they are very real to them

DO stay with the person and listen (if safe for you)

DON’T assume that some things a person says or reports are unreal, they may be true (e.g. reporting an incident)

If it is an emergency do not hesitate to call 999 for an ambulance or police help.
